Our Low-Carb Lifestyle!

Photographs © Nina Courtney Wagaman


About Us

Our Stories

We are very passionate about living low-carb! With the recent myth-smashing book by Gary Taubes, Good Calories, Bad Calories, we now have some undeniably credible and weighty documentation of how we, as a society, got to where we are today– overweight and overcome by disease. We have also learned through our own experience how to turn this around. As the evidence clearly shows, a diet that seeks to return to the traditional foods of our ancestors is not only healthful but imperative for optimal human nutrition.
Despite the phenomenal results we ourselves have had, we still find it hard to persuade even close family members that low-carb/high fat is the best way for just about everyone to eat. Much skepticism and disbelief still surrounds talk about cutting carbs and eating fats.  To quote Dr. James Carlson, who has reversed the health problems of thousands of his own patients using such a plan, “Forget weight-loss, low-carb eating may be essential for life!” We strongly believe this to be true. We are determined to become knowledgeable enough to be able to rephrase to friends and family the compelling reasons for reducing carbohydrates to very low levels. Clark and I want our family and friends to be healthy and live long and happy lives.
May you also live strong!
Clark & Nina

About Us

Begin your journey of discovery at our BOOKS! page.shapeimage_11_link_0shapeimage_11_link_1shapeimage_11_link_2shapeimage_11_link_3shapeimage_11_link_4